Book Corner: Sharing The Spirit of Learning

Like you probably, we are passionate about wine, spirits and beverages of all types. So, we love learning and often that learning and experiencing comes in the form of reading the thoughts of others who share their particular passion. But, beyond the beverages themselves, it is really the connection with others that often accompanies our enjoyment of these beverages that remains central to our passion.

So, in the coming weeks and months, we’ll occasionally be sharing our thoughts on what we are reading (or, perhaps re-reading) and enjoying. In the busy world that we all live in these days, there are few things more precious than a few quiet moments with a great book, accompanied by a great beverage. We hope you agree.
Good book. Good drink. Good evening.
We are currently reading and will start off with a terrific book by author Dave Broom “A Sense of Place” about his and photographer Christina Kernohan's journey through Scotland’s whisky regions. With such a great title, we could not think of a better beginning place for our new Book Corner. We’ll be giving you our thoughts on the chronology of the pair's magical tour shortly.

After all, how can you not fall in love with a book whose introduction starts “Scotch. Whisky. A drink named after the country of its birth.”

While our thoughts when finished will perhaps be more lay person than professional literary critic, all we can promise is that they will be honest, passionate and always from the heart.

It is our sincere hope that you may share a few of these thoughts and possibly they may help to inspire you to investigate these books on your own.

​We can hope that may be the case. Cheers!
More smiles on more faces.
#BornInFire  #StoelzleForLife

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